How to use my Samsung Galaxy with gloves ?

The high-end Smartphone Samsung, as the Galaxy S5 or Note 3 and 4, allow users to use the phone when wearing gloves. This feature, however, is disabled by default and this tutorial will help you turn it on.

Method 1: Use gloves Samsung Galaxy

1. Go to the application menu and then choose Settings.
2. In the configuration list, tap the option Accessibility. It is under the option of customization, but is available in the section Quick Setup.

3. Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the access list, and select the option Increase tactile sensitivity. Thus, to enable this feature, you can use the phone with gloves.

Method 2: Increase Touch Sensitivity

This method is recommended if you want to quickly enable or disable the function. Since increases the sensitivity of the screen, also reacts with other objects when touched. Therefore, you may want to disable this feature when not using gloves to avoid actions and unlock the phone or launch applications so accidental.

1. Open the Notifications panel, and switch to view the full panel by clicking on the icon on the top right of the screen.

2. The choice of tactile sensitivity is in the lower panel. Tapping this icon on or off toggle function. The green icon indicates that the function was active at that time.

3. To move the icon to the top of the list for easy access. This task can be done by going to Settings -.> Notifications panel tactile sensitivity To move to a new location, simply drag it to the desired location.


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